MEDITES is a territorial structuration and innovation project, promoting the development of technical scientific culture as well as equal opportunities for all. It is supported by the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis and gathers a number of institutes and associations committed to scientific culture in the French Departments Alpes-Maritimes and the Var. Their long-standing and confirmed expertise, in addition to their close collaboration with research laboratories, guarantees the scientific quality of their projects.
The main objective of MEDITES is to provide an access to scientific culture for the youth, and to awaken their curiosity and critical thinking. This is particularly directed towards young people who are from socially and/or geographically remote communities. Hence, educational pathways will be set up in collaboration with educationalist teams from various schools. Several key topics will be proposed and activities will take place throughout the school year according to a strict methodology. These activities will target junior secondary school (“college”) and vocational training school (“lycée professionnel”) students as well as apprentices from training centres in the Nice academy. The MEDITES project will also address the ten to sixteen year olds that take part in extra-curricular activities.
Thanks to the MEDITES project, the performances of those who take a part in scientific culture should be able to evolve collectively towards a new dimension in the academic territory, becoming more widespread and better coordinated.