It aims to share oceanographic research with everybody who is interested. One of the main objectives is to generate awareness and interest in Ocean topics.
The program has been created at the Laboratoire d'Océanographie de Villefranche (France). It is organized in a participative way and its pluri-disciplinary team is composed of (future) researches, engineers, science facilitators, web-designers as well as school and university teachers and their students.
Thanks to the multiple supports at divers levels (e.g. European projects, educational authority of Nice, COI/UNESCO), the program proposes many activities. It particularly favors the online dissemination of science-based information towards a young audience.
On a dedicated website, you may find answers to a series of questions, a number of resources (e.g. animations, pictures and maps) and educational material including quizzes and games. With a quick click get information on e.g. observational tools, seasons in the oceans, or hands-on activities.