GROOM : Gliders for Research, Ocean Observation and Management
Coordinator : Laurent Mortier (ENSTA-ParisTech)
Project leader at LOV : Fabrizio D'Ortenzio
Underwater gliders as intelligent and affordable platforms are useful for long-term, multi-parameter marine observations. Because of their remotely controlled navigational capabilities and the high spatial and temporal resolution of their measurements in real-time, gliders have been identified to fill gaps in the existing Ocean observing systems.
The objective of GROOM is the design of a new European research infrastructure that uses underwater gliders for European citizens, researchers and industries to benefit. In this context, GROOM will define the scientific, technological and organizational/legal levels of such a European glider capacity in line with other European and international initiatives for marine in-situ observations (in particular, Euro-ARGO, JERICO, GOOS).
The proposed technological infrastructures will be based on several dedicated 'gliderports' to maintain and operate a European glider fleet in coordination with US, Canadian, Australian and other similar infrastructures. The new infrastructures shall be beneficial for both academic oceanographic research and operational oceanography systems which a large number of marine activities and societal applications now rely upon.
Being part of GROOM, the OAO will contribute to aspects relevant to biogeochemical and bio-optical measurements performed by gliders as well as to capacity building and outreach activities. The project receives financial support from the European Commission within its Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). GROOM is a three-year project that was accepted in early 2011.