Plateformes Autonomes en Biogéochimie - Instrumentations et Mesures 2
Project leader : Fabrizio D'Ortenzio
A consortium of eight French research partners was involved in this two-year project (2010-2011), which was a follow-up of PABIM1. The project ambitioned to work on three additional issues, namely :
- to propose a “real time mode” quality control for marine biogeochemical properties measured by autonomous platforms (gliders, profiling floats and animals), i.e. for oxygen, CDOM (Colored Dissolved Organic Matter), POC (Particulate Organic Carbon) and NO3 (nitrate).
- to propose a “delayed mode” quality control for chlorophyll and oxygen. This step was envisaged in order to provide a best-possible set of observation data to the end users.
- to suggest strategies on which the implementation of a future network of biogeochemical profiling floats could be based upon.